My Food 4 Wealth Experience – The Full Blown Honest Review – Part 2!
Food 4 Wealth download page and first impressions of how the product is delivered…
This is Part 2 of my review. Click here to go to Part 1.
So getting onto my impressions of the download page. At the the top of the page is a short welcome video, which took me a little by surprise. Different from the little video on the Food 4 Wealth sales page, It had some quite pleasant acoustic guitar music, playing with a traditional Aussie ‘Gday’ Welcome.
A quick scroll down the page and I see that everything is down-loadable, which is something I really like. It is particularly important for anyone with a slower internet connection, to be able to download and watch from your computer. It can also save having to go online to watch them over should you need to watch them more than once.
The ebook turns out to be just over 8MB download, so it promises to be meaty and hopefully full of good content. There is also a choice for downloading the videos as single file, 210MB (which could be a little large for some), or you can download each one separately.
The bonus Project Plan which includes the Plan, Materials list and checklist is a file just over 3 MB.
Jonathan White has provided his email and says should “you have any questions, queries, comments, suggestions or anything at all†he can be easily contacted. That is reassuring to me as a customer.
While each of the videos on the page, has a title, one thing that I would like to see is them being numbered. This is not really a problem, but to me it would just make it more orderly. I will number them myself as I download them, as I like to keep things in the order that they are presented. For some things this doesn’t matter, yet for others it does.
On opening the main ebook I see that it is 98 pages, although the font is a little seems a little larger than what I have found to be usual, which would increase the page numbering a bit. So if it sounds like a lot to get through, it actually looks like it will be very easy to read.
Of course for those with failing eyesight, having a slightly larger print is an advantage, however, being in a pdf you can enlarge the page to make it easier to read if you have a problem.
A quick browse through the book reveals a Forward and a Contents page. The book also starts off with an introduction to the ‘food 4 wealth’ gardening ideology and system.
Pictures are dotted throughout the text, so it appears that it will be easy to follow, and it looks as though the content parallels the videos, however, I will reveal more of this as I go through.
Ok, so I think that covers all the preliminaries and now it is a matter of getting down to reviewing the actual content of the course. So stay tuned for my next installment when I will get into the ‘Food 4 Wealth’ course and I will check and share, which is the best way (for me at least) to devour the content provided.
Until next time….
Keep happy and healthy with organic gardening!
Just wondering if you any follow up comments after reading and using the eBook.
Kind Regards
Hi Catherine,
First off, I should apologize for dropping the ball on this review. It is so easy to get caught up with so many other things. My intention was to go through and report in more detail…
I have gone through all the videos (they are very helpful), and I have had a once over of the eBook, which is very thorough. There are plenty of great ideas, which you can implement even in a small garden, and certainly lots you can do if you have even more space.
The system is excellent, and provides a way to grow your own fresh food while not having to do a lot of work.
So… perhaps your question will help me to get moving to finish my reviews… although, still busy with projects on and offline, including my small garden (as currently I am in a suburban block with limited space).
I know that probably doesn’t help a great deal, but with what I have seen of the Food4Wealth and the Chickens4Wealth programs, they are both very well put together and I am very happy to recommend them.
Thank you very much for taking the time to comment.
Kind Regards,
Really like your website… Also have been finding the review helpful. It is good to find a gardening course that is reliable… I will have to check it out, thanks